Wednesday 17 November 2010

The Peninsula Papers: CHAPTER TWO by Ann Webb

I hadn’t seen it at first. I had been looking at an advert for local history walks. “Interested in SE10? Join one of our walkabouts and find out what went on and when. Ring ----- to discuss our schedule and rates.”

This sounded interesting. I’d read a bit about this place’s ancient history and now I know a bit about what’s about to happen- with 2012 Olympic Equestrian events in the wonderful Greenwich Park and the fact that this will, at last, be designated a Royal Borough: after all the royals that have lived here, that accolade is well overdue!
But, I knew very little about the history of the peninsula part of the borough, which was almost anonymous until 2000 when the Dome opened and brought visitors from all over the world.

If I followed up the advertisement I might have the opportunity to hear colloquially from people who live here just what life used to be like and they’d tell me about places of interest to the locals that didn’t necessarily get publicised. Yes, I decided to ring the number and get booked up for a roam. I wondered if anyone else I knew might be interested? I must find my camera and get some good pics, rather than just relying on my mobile. If I get my act together I can do a story with pictures, that could be a good birthday present for someone older to remind them of their youth in south London.

But then I glanced just to the left of this advert and saw….